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Photo of April Harris, APRN

April Harris, APRN

Family Practice


Contact Info:




BCMC Rural Health Clinic


UAM - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Walden University - Master of Science in Nursing, Specialized in Family Medicine


April Harris is a native of Warren, AR and graduate of Warren High School's honors program.

She continued her education at UAM where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.

She later obtained her Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, specializing in Family Medicine.

During her tenure at these institutions of higher education she graduated with high honors and recognitions.

Because of April's experience in a variety of specialties she is able to offer a unique blend of vision and knowledge.

April is a member of Chi Chi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, Inc. where it is there goal to up lift the plane of nursing and provide service for humanity.



BCMC Partners with In-House Medical for Emergency Department Physicians

Bradley County Medical Center is excited to announce the hospital has partnered with In-House Medical to transition the staffing of Emergency Department physicians from an outsourced contract management group to more local control from BCMC.

The doctors in the BCMC Emergency Department will now be official hospital staff as opposed to a contracted company that would send a rotation of physicians to our hospital. In-House Medical will assist Bradley County Medical Center with recruitment, scheduling, and other managerial aspects by integrating their services into the fabric of BCMC instead of the other way around.