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FastHealth AI (Link opens in a new window)

Health Intelligence Center

FastHealth Artificial Intelligence (Link opens in a new window)
Bradley County Medical Center links to FastHealth.AI to provide research options through convenient computer program applications, chat, and search engines. As innovation and technologies advance there are many options available for you to reference Medical Intelligence Applications. We suggest all users seek the advice of a local physician prior to using any medical intelligence applications.

Health Information (Link opens in a new window)

Online Health Search Engine

Patient Education (Link opens in a new window)
Bradley County Medical Center understands the desire family members and patients have to conduct online health research. Below you will find a research library to tens of thousands of health sources where you may read and examine health topics of interest to you. The program includes the Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary, A research engine, and The FastNurse Personal Research Service as well as other interesting components.

Though your doctor is the best source of accurate information this online educational library of comparative health information links gives you a starting point for research so you do not have to turn to other popular search engines.

Begin Your Search Below



Morrison Earns BCMC DAISY Award

Krissy Morrison, RN, became the latest honoree of The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses ® in a recent ceremony at Bradley County Medical Center. This award is part of the DAISY Foundation's mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care they provide patients and families every day.

Morrison is now in the role of Clinical Nurse Educator for BCMC after previously serving as the Labor and Delivery Nurse Manager. Her nomination commended her passion, empathy, trust, teamwork, admirable attributes, love, and selflessness. Her passion for patients was recognized in her nomination along with her compassion towards patients and coworkers. Her empathy was noted as she has been able to give advice to both patients and staff members. She can be stern when needed, but also offer supportive encouragement.