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Leslie Huitt

Department Managers

Department Manager Phone
Executive Secretary Brenda Bryant 226-4302
Chief Nursing Officer Jamie Wolfe 226-4304
Chief Operating Officer Leeanna Williams 226-4508
Controller Matt Pace 226-4315
Accounts Receivable Jane Harris 226-4308
Auxiliary/Gift Shop Liz McKinstry 226-4390
Information Technology Jeff Sutherland 226-4354
Business Office Alaina Ashcraft 226-4312
BCMC Rural Health Clinic Paulette Tolefree 226-8636
Employee Health/Infection Control/EVS Barbara Barnes-Saffel 226-4305
Emergency Department Paige Stell 226-4184
EMR Coordinator Chelsea French 226-4358
First Station Lisa Williams 226-4384
Home Health Deena Cornish 226-4576
Human Resources Brooke Hatch 226-4346
Inpatient Therapy Hailey Gammel 226-4192
Laboratory Leah McIntyre 226-4181
Maintenance Tim Saunders 226-4353
Payroll Beverly Rauls 226-4307
Pharmacy Haley Wagnon 226-4335
Outpatient Therapy Shelby Gibson 226-4190
Public Relations Dennen Cuthbertson 226-4327
Purchasing Terry Young 226-4355
Radiology Deedre Pierce 226-4393
Respiratory Sharee Williams 226-4534
Senior Care Lisa Hanson 226-4125
Social Services/Utilization Review Jennifer Handly 226-4341
Surgery Ginger Jeffers 226-4159
Cura (Dietary) Anthony Smith 226-4344



BCMC Partners with In-House Medical for Emergency Department Physicians

Bradley County Medical Center is excited to announce the hospital has partnered with In-House Medical to transition the staffing of Emergency Department physicians from an outsourced contract management group to more local control from BCMC.

The doctors in the BCMC Emergency Department will now be official hospital staff as opposed to a contracted company that would send a rotation of physicians to our hospital. In-House Medical will assist Bradley County Medical Center with recruitment, scheduling, and other managerial aspects by integrating their services into the fabric of BCMC instead of the other way around.