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Visitor Information

Visit Your Loved Ones

Visitors are encouraged to visit friends and family members. Visiting hours are open but we encourage you to check with admissions or the main desk prior to visiting to make sure your visit occurs at the most appropriate time.

In an effort to protect our community due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Bradley County Medical Center has announced that until further notice the only door that will be open to hospital visitors will be the Jolley Street entrance at the business desk on the west side of the hospital. That door will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and not open on weekends.

The front door of the hospital on Bradley Street remains closed to foot traffic and the hospital door on Jolley Street next to the ER Waiting Room is also closed to foot traffic.

The BCMC Emergency Room entrance is open to patients needing emergency room services.

The No Patient Left Alone Act was recently signed into law in Arkansas. This act states that a patient be allowed one support person who is permitted to be physically present on a daily basis at reasonable times throughout his or her hospitalization. Therefore, each patient may have one support person with them during normal visiting hours. In accordance with this new law, BCMC will allow one support person per patient during normal visiting hours.

Bradley County Medical Center reserves the right to limit or place visitor restrictions in certain situations including, but not limited to, when the presence of visitors would be medically or therapeutically harmful; interfere with the care or rights of any patient; visitors are engaging in violent, disruptive, or threatening behavior; or visitors are noncompliant with BCMC policy.

Visitors still have to follow normal screening procedures upon entering BCMC and must continue to follow the mask mandate, including respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. No one will be allowed in the building if they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher or if they refuse to follow the mask mandate.

All hospital visitors will be screened using the current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines before they are permitted entry. Visitors that do not clear screening will not be allowed into the hospital.

Contact Us With Your Questions

If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to Contact Us.



Morrison Earns BCMC DAISY Award

Krissy Morrison, RN, became the latest honoree of The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses ® in a recent ceremony at Bradley County Medical Center. This award is part of the DAISY Foundation's mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care they provide patients and families every day.

Morrison is now in the role of Clinical Nurse Educator for BCMC after previously serving as the Labor and Delivery Nurse Manager. Her nomination commended her passion, empathy, trust, teamwork, admirable attributes, love, and selflessness. Her passion for patients was recognized in her nomination along with her compassion towards patients and coworkers. Her empathy was noted as she has been able to give advice to both patients and staff members. She can be stern when needed, but also offer supportive encouragement.