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Price Transparency

Bradley County Medical Center supports price transparency and is committed to providing information that will assist our patients with understanding and estimating their out-of-pocket costs for services provided at our facility. The information contained in the link below is being provided in compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement (FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule; CMS-1694-F) for hospitals to post a list of their standard charges online in a machine-readable format. This document reflects charges for items and services provided by BCMC as of December 2024.

In order to comply with state regulations, hospital charges may fluctuate during the course of the year. Please keep in mind that the price listed on an individual bill may differ from the estimated cost listed below due to this fluctuation. The actual charges for services received may be higher or lower depending on the level of care provided, medical supplies used, pharmacy items administered, and other services provided to the patient.

Please click here for the machine readable file.

Please click here for the Payment Liability Estimator (PLE) where you can generate an estimate of what you will be charged.



BCMC to Hold Blood Drive Thursday, Dec. 5 with Donations in High Demand

Bradley County Medical Center is issuing an urgent appeal to the community for blood donations in the upcoming LifeShare Blood Drive scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 5 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. The blood drive will take place in the LifeShare Bus that will be parked in the BCMC Rural Health Clinic parking lot, located across the street from the ER entrance at the hospital.

Blood donations have hit a 20-year low nationwide, so if you can donate, please come by and give blood on Thursday, Dec. 5. Blood drives such as this are the main source of blood for hospitals in our region. Potential donors can reserve a time slot online through the donor portal on You do not have to make an appointment as walk-ins are encouraged.